Make Moves...Confidently.

So we all came into this crazy ass world to make it a little less crazy and change this place in some way. We are all part of that puzzle. We all have talents and gifts that we use towards making this world a little less crazy. But it stays crazy when we aren’t confident in those talents or gifts. If we aren’t confident in making decisions, confident making moves towards our dreams, or confident in who we are period can we change the world?

Our true purpose isn’t for us.

Remember that.

But what is confidence? My obsession with definitions should be clear by now. I’m obsessed with them because we just say shit every day and really don’t know the power behind certain words and phrases. We just speak things into the Universe and get so confused when we manifest things we don’t want to manifest. We say over and over that we will never find somebody that will understand us or get us. So we don’t. And then we cry when we are lonely looking for bae. We talk ourselves out of being confident. We talk ourselves out of great opportunities. We talk ourselves out of a lot actually.

Back to the definition …

Our confidence is purely based on the definition of who we are.

What if I was obsessed with the definition of myself?

What if I was more aware of how I define myself?

How I see myself?

How I label myself?

If we think we are fearful. Then we will be.

If we think we are ugly. Then every person that calls us beautiful is a liar and is just saying it to get something.

If we think we don’t deserve happiness. Then we will never receive it because we will push it away every time it presents itself.

To be confident in whatever move you need to make in life; be careful how you use this one phrase…

I AM _______.

This is the most powerful phrase in life. Yet we misuse it everyday. Everybody remembers the word “abracadabra”. You wave your little wand and *bam* something appears like it’s magic. Well our words are magic. And that word in Aramaic actually means “I will create as I speak”.

We need to watch how we speak. Because we are creating chaos out here! Especially me. I say I am clumsy. I am a procrastinator. I am too much to handle. I am an asshole. I am a failing at life. And I just be joking. Unfortunately words are just words to the Universe. And with each “I AM” phrase..i define myself over and over with all of these negative labels. Joking or not. And if these are my definitions of myself how can I EVER be confident in anything?

What happens when I switch the labels?

I am strong AF.

I am gentle AF.

I am loving AF.

I am brave AF.

I am successful.

I am wealthy.

I am doing everything I can to accomplish my dreams.

I am making progress.

I am powerful.

I am making a difference.

What if i say these everyday?

Every single day I create this confidence in me that cannot be shaken.

If you don’t have the self belief yet, speak it until you do.

If you tell a kid enough times they will never be anything they will believe it. And vice versa. Somebody told you something and now you believe it. You probably don’t remember who, but your subconscious does. And you keep hitting this brick wall in life because you THINK you don’t have the confidence to knock it down. You THINK you don’t have the bravery to take that leap of faith. You THINK you don’t have the self belief to think you can achieve something. But not because your aren’t confident. Not because you aren’t brave. It’s just the things you believe about yourself right now is holding you back from seeing the truth about yourself. We are all born fearless and confident. We have to get back to that source of who we truly are. Drop the I AM statements that have been passed down to you. No more hand-me-down bullshit. The Creator created you to create greatness. And only your OWN confidence can get you there.

You might not think you have the confidence to think that you know enough, or have enough, or are enough.


Say it with me my gullies.


Now create your own I AM statements and never let anyone define you or take away from the confidence that’s always been there.

I AM ______________.

Fill in the blanks and say it everyday.

Your true self is the most courageous self.

It’s in there.

Pull it out.

Peace & Love.

The essential oil for today is: VALOR. If you need empowerment, courage, confidence or a boost to your self esteem, then this is for you. Rub on the bottom of your feet or wear as perfume or cologne because it smells great. This blend is consisted of; Spruce, Rosewood, Blue Tansy, and Frankincense oil.

If you would like to purchase the Valor essential oil click the button below and my SPONSOR ID and ENROLLER ID is 3971549 when they ask for it at checkout.

If you are not familiar with essential oils and want to learn more about them and their benefits to your health and your life, click the button below for more education and training on them.