NO Fear In Love.
“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.”
So today, we are going to CHUUUCH. No, not church , chuuuch. That is not a typo.
So I picked this verse because it has always interested me, and because I never really understood it. How can you not be afraid to love? Who isn't afraid to let their walls down and be super bare with a flawed human being? That's asking for disappointment and hurt right? How many of us have tried to show someone all of you and they broke your heart. Love hurts. Love is scary. Love sucks. To some, maybe. But what if perfect love could cast out fear? What if. What if we could take that leap and and be fearless and not pretend we are fearless, but truly trust the process of love? I would like to believe love is beautiful and pure. Unsure humans just keep messing up the true meaning of it.
Trusting the process has always been difficult for me, to be honest. I struggled with pushing people away, mastering my defense mechanisms and really just trying to protect myself at all costs. I learned the hard way that protecting myself and ONLY myself, hurts people. I am only caring about my well being, which leaves no room for the rest of the world. I now see there is a balance. I can love and still guard my heart at the same time.
Fear of love comes in so many forms other than relationships. Some people, including me, are afraid to pursue their dreams and change careers and do what they truly love to do. It is a scary leap. What if you fail? What if you become homeless? What if you aren't good enough to achieve what you want? All these thoughts crossed my mind year after year. Eventually I had to ask myself, how much do I love myself? How much do I love my dreams that I know I keep replaying in my mind for a reason. I see the vision, but why live in a different life than that vision? How much do I love my Creator who gave me these gifts and talents in the first place? How can I be happy living a false life? Because fear is magnified in my mind. That is how people can stay "comfortable" and unhappy. Fear allows you to push away your dreams, your relationships, your family, and anything else that forces you to be the true you. Fear says the true you is wrong. Fear is against you, never for you.
1 John 4:18 says that "fear has to do with punishment", hmm, that is a strong statement. Why punishment though? Who and what is being punished when you have fear?
When I fear to get close to people because of my trust issues, I am losing out on opportunities and love. When you first love yourself, you can allow the walls to come down. Because you know who you are and what you will allow. Having no fear in love does not mean going in blind and naiive. It is understanding your worth, and teaching someone how you need to be loved and not expecting them to fill you. Humans are imperfect, therefore, everybody will get hurt one day. It is part of life. Knowing your identity and where your strength comes from is your shield from fear. Why fear if you know you will always be good? Why fear if life has always shown you that you always make it through? You are here. We are alive. Obviously we are all doing something right, we survived another day. Yes heartbreak hurts, "failures" are disappointing, and pain is real. But everything is a lesson. Instead of fearing what will happen, accept the lessons and learn and grow.
There is peace in knowing that you are being fully you at all times and in all places. You are amazing. You are beautiful. You are creative. You are powerful. No job, relationship, or physical thing can change that about your identity. You have to believe those things regardless. That is being perfected in love. Kick fear in the mouth and shut it out of your thoughts.
You are too great to fear greatness.
You love yourself and you love the world, and it loves you back. But how can love be returned to you if there is no love within you? Sometimes our fears can manifest things in our life. Watch the consistent thoughts you think daily. You might be manifesting the hurt, and yet you are pointing the finger at the outside world.
Affirmation for today..(repeat it daily)
"I love me and I love the world, because I was loved first by the Divine."
Be FULLY YOU today my gullies. Do not fear, but trust that love will always be returned to you when love is within.