Care of Self.

We cannot save others if our cape is attached to our bodies and we are already drowning. Who are you flying to?


Spoil YOURSELF today.

Nothing too dramatic, just something that puts a smile on your face.

Smile today. 

Go somewhere alone today.

Go somewhere with someone you love today.

Go run a bubble bath for yourself.

Go sit in the park and journal today. 

Go paint. 

Go meditate. 

Go sing.

Go jot down and plan the business you've been wanting to start.

Go look up a therapist today.

Go call someone you haven't talked to in a while today.

Go celebrate yourself today.

Go reflect today.

Go do DIY projects til you drop.

Go dance for hours until your joints tell you to stop.

Just GO.

Live freely today.

Be free today.

The bills will still be there.

The responsibilities will still be there. 

Let the world pause for a little bit today.

Be in the moment.

Look in the mirror a little longer today.

Smile at what you see.

Love what you see.