Attachment is Bondage.
So I don't know if it is just me or what, but I am truly addicted to all things Pinterest. Trying things on Pinterest, getting ideas for any and everything on Pinterest, bingeing on quotes from Pinterest, failing at the impossible DIY's on Pinterest, look I just need help! I love it! But the point is that I find the most profound things on there as well. So many soul food nuggets on the topic of attachment and detachment caught my eye today on Pinterest so why not share with my amazing gullies??
The point is clearly to quit getting attached to the things of this world.
It is so hard to become detached and takes a lot of growth and practice to do so. We are born into this world very, very clingy. We dig our claws into things at a very young age and claim it as ours and refuse to let it go. Unless taught otherwise, we do the same as adults. What a lot of people do not know, something I didn't even know until recently, is that attachment is the root of all suffering. Whether you are Buddhist, Christian, spiritual, non spiritual, it really does not matter, it is the truth. Pain will appear in everyone's life, but suffering does not have to. Suffering is a choice. Yep, I might get ridiculed for that statement. When I say that, people look at me as heartless and insensitive. They think well how am I causing suffering if they were the one that caused pain to me. It is not my fault. True, it is not your fault, but how you respond to it is. Let me break it down for you and show you that suffering is a choice.
You watched your mother get physically abused your whole life.
A. You take that in and see that as the normal way of living and the way to show love so now you become physically abusive to the people you love. Now you suffer, and everyone around you as well.
B. Understand that was painful to watch, but that is not love, and you refuse to continue the cycle of abuse and you start to help others get through the same experiences you had.
You got raped.
A. You can absorb that pain and now believe you are never safe, you are not beautiful, you are dirty, you are not loved, and you suffer from these beliefs.
B. Understand that the pain is real, the action will never be justified, but you are stronger than the predator who was too weak to show love. You share your journey and so many others are healed by your strength to push on and not give up.
You experience a heartbreak.
A. You see that pain as the end of the world. You wonder why you weren't enough, what could you have done better, why can't anyone love you and cherish you, why do you always have to get hurt?
B. You understand they were not meant to be in your life and you appreciate the lessons and the opportunity to learn things you never would have if they never have came into your life.
You get to choose. You are in control of your happiness. You either become attached to that pain, or allow the pain to flow in and out of your life. There are phases of greatness and phases of discomfort. We must let those phases happen and not resist what happens in our life. I have "Not Of This World" tatted down the side of my ribs. That is my daily reminder to exist but to stay detached. I was born into this world as a human, but I must always step back into the spiritual realm and not be attached to the physical realm. I am a spiritual being and once I forget that and become attached to fear, to my ego, and to pain, I lose sight of my true nature. Once I lose sight of my true nature I am out of balance. I am no longer in alignment with my purpose which causes so much chaos and suffering that does not even need to occur. Attachment brings a rift in our lives and we love to blame that on others. Attachment is being so affected by the external things of life. External things get us so riled up. We love to be so butt hurt over external things. Traffic pisses you off to the point of ruining your morning, your ex posts something on the internet that you think is about you and now your whole day is ruined, or you're attached to your old mindset and refuse to see life in a new light because you are scared of change.
Detaching is the most peaceful and serene way of life. You do not become a robot. You do not become feelingless. You do not just cut the world off and go to the mountains and not speak to anyone for 25 years. (I think I would actually love that though.)
You just allow yourself to be present, but not chained.
You can leave a job if it is too toxic. You can leave a relationship that is unhealthy. You can let go of trauma that puts you in bondage. All these things can be let go of because you are not attached to them. They are just things. They are not permanent in your life. You are eternal. Does this make sense? A spirit that lives forever, holding on to temporary things? Not to me. We get attached to the silliest things that really have no significance to our soul. We experience suffering, because our soul does not want to be attached to the physical realm. There is inner conflict because we are living in the WRONG home. We are just visitors here.
I am probably sounding crazy to a lot of readers out there. Oh well, because I hear that I am weird a lot. I hear that I am different. LIKE A LOT. Like a lot a lot. And it really use to get to me. It caused a lot of suffering in my life. I did not understand why people said that. But it was so consistently spoken that I started to think it was bad. I questioned myself a lot. I would hold back saying things, doing things, and just being me. I attached myself to their voices and I allowed that suffering to stop me from being who I really was, because I really am weird. I love my weirdness now. I love how different I can be and how confident I am in that uniqueness. Sometimes we get so attached to things people have told us, that it becomes our own thoughts and beliefs. Detach now. Detach from those outside negative voices. Detach from everything. Detach from all situations in your life. Detach from all relationships in your life. You can not change them. You can only respond. Detaching is allowing yourself to step away from the pain and not be so involved with it. Stop holding pain's hand and nurturing it and feeding it a bottle for it to grow into suffering. Understand that life is life. Let things be. Let things happen. If someone does not want you around. Cool. If a job does not hire you. Cool. If someone wants to bring negative energy around. Cool. Walk away from the things that do not welcome you. Detach from the things that have NO purpose in your life. Start attaching to your inner self. Your inner glow. Your inner light. Be in love and so attached to the God in you and allow that to bring you fulfillment. When something exits your life and you still feel as amazing as you were before it left, that is being whole. That is true peace. Detachment is freedom.
“Do not be so affected by the waves of live, but solid as a rock. Detach and become immovable.”