Not Feeling It.
“Embrace the colorful days, and stay aware of the black and white ones.”
Today I didn’t feel like posting anything. Today I didn’t feel like giving any encouragement because today was a day I needed it for myself. But I remember the reason why I write. I write to release. To express. To understand my own thoughts and the world I live in. Some days we won’t always feel it. We won’t always be fired up and dancing down the hallways of our passions. Some days we just want lay on the couch of sadness and binge on the things that piss us off. All that to say, I’m learning the best way to help others is to let them know I have bad days too. I have sad days too. I have blah days too. Sometimes the brightness and color fades and I wake up seeing black and white. But I am grateful still for the lows. I am grateful for awareness. I am grateful for the ability to even be introspective enough to know what the hell is going on in my body and my spirit. I am grateful for meditation, for stillness, and for the quiet moments that I need to get back on track. I can write inspiring posts all day, but if I do not feel inspired where is the power behind it? If I don’t believe the words I type or write, how does that benefit the reader? One belief I do have is when you feel an imbalance within, do things that you KNOW will bring that balance back. Nature is always that for me. Whether it is sitting in the sun with my crystals or diffusing my favorite essential oils. Or walking around and observing all of the plants and creation. Or just feeling the grass under my feet to feel grounded. These things remind me of the truths my fallible brain sometimes likes to forget. There was this gorgeous flower I took a picture of, so vibrant and pink. I changed the filter to black and white to remind me that even though the color is gone, it is still the same flower. It is still flourishing. It is still rooted. It is still providing life to this earth. It still exists. The only thing that changed was my perception of it. The original nature of this flower is not what lies in my photo library. It is altered. It is not the truth. There are situations that seem gray and dark that actually are not. Our lens are just set on the wrong filter. The situation is creating a shift in your life that might seem uncomfortable, but it is for the greater good. Today I did not feel that. I could care less about the damn greater good. But again, I remind myself that me not caring right now is not a permanent feeling. It is just a moment. I’m posting this to also bring a reminder to anyone that doesn’t feel the growth, joy, or brightness of life at this moment. It is okay to have black and white moments. It is okay, you are still you. You are still great. You are still a beautiful being. You are still needed in this world. I am okay. I am still me. I am still great. I am still a beautiful being. I am still needed in this world.
Yep, I had to preach to myself for a second.
Black and white days are needed to flick that switch of gratitude in our hearts to never take the color for granted and to check if the filters of life are switched to the right setting. Perception is reality right? A reminder for us all: