Water What’s In Front Of You.

Is the grass really greener?

Are we so obsessed with comfort that we search for the new thing as soon as we see a little brown?

Are the lens you are looking through clean?

They need to be cleaner.

The more you focus on what could be, the less you lose focus on the present, your grass gets weaker.

All grass will grow and be what it’s called to be if you give it the proper care.

Relationships fail because we just no longer care.

Our eyes are so focused on someone else’s lawn when our eyes should always be down.

Down pulling the weeds of pride, selfishness, and planting the seeds of attentiveness, compassion and understanding.

We stand under the shade and crave what’s across the street.

We stop fertilizing with romance and just expect harmony and bliss to fall from the sky and water our grass for us.

We must provide what the relationship needs.

There is no uber eats for love.

It is not already prepared and delivered.

We must pull the hose of effort out and do it our damn selves.

Share your deepest fears and darkest secrets and tell them what you want the grass to look like.

They might come outside and help you garden and landscape.

Go figure.

Her figure, his sweet nothings, her attention, he seems trusting ..but the grass is never greener unless they refuse to tend to the grass with you.

This grass takes two.

Never stay when growth is something they refuse.

When green is something they abuse.

But don’t walk away until you’ve tried everything in your soul to bring your grass back to life.