Mental Health Weatherman.


In the next couple of days the Gulf Coast is about to get hit hard with a hurricane and lots of rain. Everyone is buying all the cases of bottled water, flashlights and necessities before the storm even hits. Insurance companies are sending emails including hurricane preparedness checklists and how to protect your home; weather channels are tracking the storm hour by hour, and so on and so on.

While all this is going on I was sitting down yesterday thinking why I don’t prepare this much for the mental and emotional storms that hit me. Life usually blindsides us and we usually have to adjust last minute. But I created a mental health preparedness checklist for the really stormy and heavy days that I have emotionally. Some people forget I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and that I still have really tough days. You are not alone and I just hope this blog helps you stay prepared on the days you don’t have enough energy to do anything but just cry.

I call this the can’t-get-out-of-bed kit.

Purple and White Creative Brush Strokes Checklist List.png

The hard days will come. That is inevitable. But it is possible to make the hard days a little bit more manageable when you are prepared.


Outside the checklist, here are some mental health tips and things to think about before the struggle-bus days come and take you out.



Have a code word with your family or friends to let them know your mental health weather is a little rainy. Text them the cloudy emoji or lightning bolt emoji through text so they know to just send you love and light and prayers without bothering you. But also remember…don’t stay isolated for too long! We are stronger together.



Place sticky notes by your bed or in your room that have the most motivational quotes or encouraging affirmations to keep you from falling into the dark abyss. The more you read them, the more you will actually believe them, no matter how sad you are.



It is extremely difficult to be motivated on the hard days. Remembering the things that have really worked for you in the past can help a lot. If you noticed that walking in the morning and watching the sunrise really helped your anxiety throughout the day, try to do that even when your mind is telling you not to leave the bed.



Download a journal app that has a pass code for your privacy. You can type all your feelings, thoughts or the most random things that come to your mind throughout the day. Writing things out, even if it is for only 3-5 minutes, can help you release and also understand what is going on inside of you.



Download a meditation app or the Calm app. These apps can really calm you in high-anxiety moments and also help you sleep when you’re suffering with insomnia. If you don’t have much space or data on your phone, you can also look up sleep meditations or calming music on YouTube as well.


sometimes the wind is too strong

sometimes we feel like we can never be prepared

sometimes we feel like we will always drown

but you are stronger than the storm

but you can’t do it alone

reach out

remember you are not alone

we are stronger together!

If you are struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, check out my book , Unorthodox Words that provides inspiration and hope.