Stay Teachable.
As always…all of my posts are for the world and to inspire whoever stumbles across this. But many of these blog posts are for myself and for me to go back and read and learn from my inner wisdom that I like to forget from time to time. And I have really been working on my prideful heart this past summer. So bam…let’s talk about pride a little bit. Or alotta bit.
Pride has stopped me so much from achieving relationships I wanted, goals that I wanted to reach, and just peace that I have been craving for 29 years.
I am now in my shut-up-and-listen-and-be-a-student season. I definitely have not been that way. This is new new me. In the past I wanted to try everything on my own without asking help and I didn’t want anybody coming at me with their arrows of judgment or opinions about how I move in life. Pretty much, I just refused taking criticism or teaching of any kind. You know I was just scared right? Scared to be wrong. Scared to be less than. Scared to have my weaknesses on a marquee for everyone to see. Scared to be imperfect. Ha..that’s a funny one. My ego was taking up all the space in my life.
Honestly, ego is just fear of everything. And humility is just love for everything.
What is ego specifically you ask? Lucky you…Pinterest came through for the win. Read the chart below.
After reading that chart myself I realized that all these fears from the ego are all because we have been hurt. By our lovers, friends, parents, families, bosses, or all of the above. That hurt pushed us to build a high fence and really keep people from hurting us again. Protecting and guarding our energy is very different from pride. When you set boundaries, you are respecting the person and yourself. When you just have a wall up…you are just disrespecting both parties. It is not your fault though. If you were unaware that you do this, it is okay. It is just a programmed reflex that has been set in your brain to respond this way over and over and over. Buttttttt…if you know now. Now you are held accountable. You will continue to push away things that you actually want and desire all because of your fear. Fear comes in so many forms, and pride is one of them and it causes so much stagnation and damage.
Being humble expedites my growth because I am not hiding in the shade of my pride anymore.
For example I have noticed as I self reflect in the past I “acted hard” and didn’t display that much emotion because I was so prideful and thought no one deserved to see that side of me. Well who the hell am I that I just get to single myself out and just hurt everyone else? That is not fair for me in the long run because no one wants to deal with that. Actually I was just afraid to say how I feel and get laughed at in my face and have someone not even care about my feelings. So, that was a complete waste of time. Yea, no, that is pride too. My consequence for thinking that way? I felt like no one knew my true self. No one knew my vulnerable, deep, emotional side. I felt alone and yet had so many people around me. All because of pride. Because I was too afraid to just be humble and say, “HEY YA’LL I AM HURTING, I NEED HELP.” Asking for help still is a struggle but I am really trying to change that. But mostly the change has been drastic. I clearly have a vulnerable ass blog and spill all of myself into my creativity, my book, and anything else I do in life. I did this by seeking help. By putting my pride down, going to a mental hospital and getting therapy. Researching how to self publish a book. Listening to webinars. Watching YouTube videos. I did all this because I wasn’t afraid to fail anymore. I wasn’t afraid to see my weakness plastered for the world to laugh at. I just wanted to become a sponge and soak up all the wisdom I was lacking. I am still working on that constructive criticism part. I am imperfect and that is okay. But most of all I learn from other people’s wins and can admit I am not always right, I am still growing.
I really became a student to my dreams.
That took a lot of vulnerability for me to say…
“Uh, I do not know how to do this shit alone.”
Vulnerability is humility.
It’s like I stepped off my high horse and stepped into this new magical place.
And you can do the same my gullies.
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