God, Can You Hear Me?
Have you ever felt like God wasn’t doing enough or like God just isn’t cutting it and you need more in life than just a prayer and faith? I am not religious at all. So this blog might not be for everyone, but although I feel God’s presence every day in my life now, it wasn’t always like that. I do not go to church or bible study. Like ever. But I am also not an atheist. I did use to really struggle with my faith. I know of so many children abused. Including me. So God wasn’t really my best friend in the past. And there is so much evil that happens around the globe, DAILY. So much sadness, depression, and injustice that floods our planet, DAILY. So I just sit and think if God is just chillin’ watching us go down in flames. Is a planet in the galaxy more evil than Earth, so God is just super busy over there and forgot about us? Are we on a waiting list with all the planets to get a peace transplant? Like what is really going on? You might think I am crazy for thinking that, but I am sure whoever is reading this has felt unheard from God at least one point in their life.
So how do we stay encouraged and uplifted when we just feel defeated as hell? How do we have faith in a God we cannot hold or see. How do we even believe in something so mystical and mysterious? I can only answer those questions from my own perspective. And my perspective is that God is not this Supreme Being in Heaven looking down on creation.
“The Divine is just a match in all of us. Waiting for us all to light it and watch the flame brighten all of our lives. We blow out this flame with doubt, negativity, selfishness, bitterness, pettiness, resentment, anger and abuse. Activate the fire within. Activate it by loving. Just love. God is love.”
God is in all of us.
God is experienced through people, events, nature, and things that happen to us daily.
The more mindful and grateful you are, the more you feel God.
I went through some rough shit as a kid. I went through some more rough shit as a young adult. And I constantly asked, WHERE ARE YOU GOD? But now I am stronger than I ever have been. I can help so many people now because I resonate with their pain. And not just repeat cliche quotes, but speak from experience. I can truly understand how hurt they are, how much of their worth is shattered because of the trauma, how exhausting depression can be sometimes. I would not be able to even relate to anyone if I just had this perfect life. So yea, I could sit and blame God or I could do something about it by thinking of all the times I thought the battle was lost, but my Creator showed up and showed out.
Even with this imperfect life I have, I try my best to focus on all the beautiful miracles I have experienced in my own life and see in other people’s life. I don’t believe in coincidences, I just call it confirmation. Every time something magical happens to where I had no part in it, I know the Universe got my back and really is watching out for me.
You might be reading this really praying and hoping that God will show up for you in a big way. Maybe you are getting discouraged and really doubting your faith because it’s radio silence and no blessings are falling from the sky. But what if you are too busy looking for the blessings to drop and the blessing is sitting in your lap right now?
We are just so busy focusing on negative things that we cannot even see the divine things that happen ALL the time.
When the doubt creeps in, and hopelessness sits next to you, and discouragement hovers over you, just remember. Never forget what you ARE blessed with. Always remember the small and big wins that has happened in your life. We forget shit when life gets rocky. It’s like we just bury all the happy and good times we experienced and just stomp on that pile complaining about how our prayers aren’t getting answered. REMEMBER! God is super consistent. We just blame God for other human’s inconsistencies and flaws. Why do you trust the person that means the most to you? Why do you share your deepest darkest secrets with them? Why do you constantly depend on them to help you? Because they have proven that they will show up and give you the love you need every single time.
You take medications the doctor tells you to take no matter how harmful the side effects are, because you trust them. You buy organic products because you trust the label isn’t lying to you. You keep buying iPhones because you trust the brand. You get in Lyfts and Ubers with people you have never met in your life. Knowing damn well your parents said to never get in a car with strangers, but you trust their selection process. We have so much trust in this world towards fallible things but we can’t seem to trust the main thing that puts air in our lungs, rises the sun and sets it every day, and literally created you. Trust that God will show up. If you don’t believe that, then no, you will not get your prayers answered. The Universe functions off of belief. If you believe you will fail. You will. If you believe you will die from cancer in 4 months. You will. If you believe you will be healed. You will. If you believe you will succeed. You will.
In the quote earlier, I said to activate the God within, with love. Have you ever heard people say there is no fear in love? So to believe that God will show up, is to love yourself. To love yourself is to believe in yourself without fear. If our Divine Power is in us, and we do not believe in that power…how will we ever be able to use it? What if someone told you you were paralyzed from the waist down from birth. So since birth you believed them and have been rolling around in the wheelchair. But they lied. You could walk, you just never tried because you didn’t believe you could. But you have always had the power to. This is majority of the world right now. We have the ability to accomplish amazing things. The Universe is waiting to give us this amazingness. Yet, we are just rolling around in our wheelchairs of self doubt, blind to our inner greatness. We all have the power to manifest whatever we want to manifest. It only takes consistent belief and faith. Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself. Speak an affirmation every single day my gullies and finally BUY INTO IT and watch how the Universe shows up and creates it for you. But as soon as you have doubt, you are defeating the whole purpose of it all.
Keep trusting.
Keep having faith.
Your miracle is waiting to bloom.
Your belief is the only thing that can make your miracle grow.
Don’t let fear and doubt stop your growth.
How bad do you want it?
God hears you.
But are you listening when the response is…