Movie Review or Life Review?
Have you ever watched a movie and felt like the Universe wanted you to watch that movie, on that day, in that moment, in that particular season of your life? Well if not, sorry that you cannot relate, but that happened to me yesterday. My friend recommended a movie on Netflix and I was hooked from beginning to end. If you have Netflix, check it out. It is called Room, and unfortunately I am about to spoil it for you. Sorry not sorry, but this is juicy stuff that every person should think about.
So why am I doing a movie review on Munchies Mondaze? Because this movie fed my soul!! SO..I would like to share this yummy meal I received yesterday. The movie is about a woman in her young twenty-somethings that got kidnapped at a teenager. She got raped and eventually had a child and planned an escape right after his 5th birthday. The abductor had them live in a small room (which was a shed) and never allowed them to leave. And she was in there for a total of seven years. The mom finally figured out a master plan and it succeeded, they were rescued by the police and began to live their life at her parents house. What was extremely surprising to me was that the little boy missed the room. He was so uncomfortable with the loud noises, the bright lights, and all these different people trying to make conversation with him. And she was being questioned by the media about why she didn't ask the abductor to take the son away so he could live a better life. She dealt with guilt and eventually had a suicide attempt, and the son had to stay with the grandparents.
The 5 year old just wanted his old home back, he wanted his mom back. He wanted his normalcy back. He did not want to be "free", because to him, he was happy in that room. But then his mom got out the hospital and took him back to the room (the shed). It clearly looked way different. The police had took out the bed, the stove and the kids drawings off the wall for evidence in the case. He did not recognize the room anymore. It was like he was in a different place. He asked if they shrunk it. He had no idea that they were living in such conditions until he saw what the world had to offer.
Moral of the story...the room was all he knew.
To see a 5 year old so content, and then be in a huge house and want to go back to that shed, WOW. It symbolized comfort for me. He wanted to go back, because to him that was his home. He felt love from his mom in that room and that was all he needed. But he was in denial. He knew that room was bad for them. He knew the abductor was hurting her. He knew there could be more to life. But it was more "safe" to be in a place that was familiar. You can go back to that thing that you think is home, all to find out that maybe you were better off leaving that behind in the first place.
This movie explains life so clearly. We have all wanted to go back to something that we know deep down is not going to benefit us. That is why relapse is a thing. You can go through years of rehab and learn all the ways to fight the urge, combat your triggers and have discipline. But when something has been consistent for so long and a continuous habit in your life, theres a huge chance you will keep returning back. Today I challenge myself and you to dissect what is familiar in our life? What do you need to let go of? What do you need to say bye to? Your soul needs you to change something or your ego will just stay comfortable. What will you turn away from for good? What will you switch up that will make you SUPER uncomfortable? With discomfort comes growth.