Plant The Right Seed.
“Good vibes only.”
That is everyone’s mantra now a days. The problem with that request is that the vibe within YOU must stay positive if that is what you want to attract. Does negativity seem to follow you everywhere? Does drama and negative people stay present in your life? To eradicate negativity in your circle, it first must be swept away in your heart. If I think negative thoughts, I attract negative events. If I continue to speak negative things, I manifest negative outcomes.
I have said most of my life, “I trust no one because no one has my back.” Me repeating that over and over and over, subconsciously, has caused more trouble for me than I’m sure I would’ve had to endure. I affirmed that no one had my back, so I ran into a lot of people that didn’t. People continued to let me down, betray me, and validate that statement. But what if I reversed it? What if I said, “I trust everyone because God has my back.” So now I am putting my trust in the Universe and not people. I am planting the seed that corresponds with what I want to see grow. If I want great people in my circle, I kind of have to be great as well, right? You can preach that you want good vibes, but your tribe is a reflection of you.
So I saw this on Instagram posted a couple days ago by Cardi B.
The post is hilarious, but so true for many of us. It is so much easier to spot out somebody else’s negativity right? The flaws in others will always shine brighter than our own. We think God needs to remove all these things out of our life for things to get better. We need to remove all the things out of ourselves first. Self love is the only way you will attract positivity in your life. When I say attract, I mean people that you are close to and that you desire to have relationship with, whether that is platonically or romantically. I am not talking about a rude worker at Walmart that hates their job and is taking it out on you. Even though I believe you can attract positive energy anywhere, that is another blog topic. Today is about the concept that I plant love within myself, that loves grows and is now providing nourishment for this world, therefore that nourishment will be returned back to me and now I am loved by the Universe. Plant good karma, get good karma. That simple right? I wish. It is difficult to self love when we live in a society that wants us to crave everything externally. We abandon ourselves because we think everything else brings fulfillment. I had to learn this within my own life. I never liked to admit that I always had drama. I was always going through something. I was always experiencing some type of bad karma. Little did I know, I was the one planting the wrong seeds in my OWN garden. How upset would you be if you spent months planting seeds to something you didn’t even want. You waited forever for it to harvest, and the wrong thing started growing. I would flip a table over. I would be quite upset. I wanted a corn field, but I got a pumpkin patch. Well that is what a lot of us have been doing our whole lives. We want peace, good vibes, and success. Yet, we plant fear, negative thoughts, and a poverty mindset.
We want great, but we plant poorly.
I cannot trust my friends if I do not trust myself. I cannot work freely in my passions if I do not trust myself. I cannot receive healthy love if I do not love myself.
I have been away for a couple of weeks because this is something I had to meditate on and truly process in my own life. This blog is about being gully. Being real. Being honest. Everything starts with me. If I want to have a gully blog, I must have gully thoughts my damn self. I must hold myself accountable about the seeds I am planting. It is a lot easier to blame the world for our down days. It is a lot easier to blame anything honestly. But who wants easy? It is difficult to take ownership and responsibility sometimes, but it is needed. When you harness your inner greatness, everything else just starts to flow. Things fall into place. You start meeting the right people. Blessings really start flying everywhere and landing right on time.
The good vibes and the positive frequencies will surely come, if that is what is inside you.
For that to be inside you, it is time to release the negative vibes and energies. In one of my previous blogs I talked about journaling and the release that needs to happen sometimes to reboot and get back on track. I needed to release a lot of negativity within myself so I could get into balance. “Good vibes only” for me will now mean, good vibes only within myself. No more fearful thoughts, no more anxious thoughts, no more doubtful thoughts, no more jealous thoughts, no more selfish thoughts, no more thoughts that do not equate to love. You cannot control other people or the decisions they decide to make. But you can control you. You can grow you. Just love the Inner God and Goddess in you. Self-love will always be the right seed.
“Unfortunately growth is so difficult because it is uncomfortable to see you need to grow in the first place. But after you get over yourself, there is so much beauty to experience.”