Zoomed Out Patience.
God definitely made me laugh today. As He always does. I laugh because He keeps throwing the same answer at me to the same repetitive question I keep asking. The question of, "what am I suppose to be doing in my life?" I get so focused on the result and the end goal, that I have lost the reason behind it all. When you zoom in on your phone, you are trying to focus on one part of the image. When you walk up closer to a sign, the landscape in the background starts to make less sense. The closer you are to something and the deeper the focus is, the harder it is to pay attention to anything else. I am working towards having a vision that is constantly zoomed out. I want my lens of life to capture everything. I do not want to just focus on the triumphant days filled with success. I want to also take in the sad days, the discouraging days, the pitfalls, the struggles, the days where I truly want to give up on everything. Those days are the days that will stretch and grow me the most. Those rough days remind me that I am human and that things take time. I will never give up on my goals and dreams, but I will allow myself to stop focusing on the finish line and put my eyes on the steps I am taking today.
“Our actions yield better results when we forget about the results and become immersed in our activities with joy and purpose.”
I love that quote from Londrelle. I think I just love him, period. Today could have not been a better day that I saw that quote. I have been struggling with patience my whole life. I have always wanted things to come to me quickly, or for me to master things right away. Patience is just not something I can say I have a lot of when it comes to my own life. I have been meditating and praying on that subject A LOT lately. But as I saw that quote pop up on my phone this morning, all I could do was chuckle. The Universe is just funny.
To be immersed in my activities? What does that look like? What does it mean to be immersed with joy and purpose? It is to understand that my present position in life might not be my final destination, but I will make the best of it and learn the most from this season until my next season comes. If we change the perspective and zoom out, we can see that everything in our past lives taught us things. We can either complain about how our dreams will never come true and complain about the process, or we can just dive deep into it and embrace all of what that process has to offer. It is way easier said than done. Looking at the big picture is hard for every human because of our ego. We want what we want when we want it. We do not care about the lessons or the what the Universe is trying to teach us. We just want happiness and success NOW. What that quote is saying to me is that; we can have happiness and success now.
The end result is not what brings the happiness and success, but our ATTITUDES during the journey.
I can either be grumpy and discouraged about my life not looking how I want it to look, or I could be super excited about new things happening and continuously jumping in the puddles during the rainy days. Maybe God is telling me I am not ready for something big He has in my future quite yet. For the time being, I need to learn all I can in this chapter so I will be equipped for that great, great thing. If I am too zoomed in and worried about my dreams not manifesting fast enough, I have missed the whole point. I want to be fully prepared and ready for whatever is waiting for me. I want to truly feel that joy, not just at the end of it all, but every step of the way. My emotions, my worries and my fears are just a few waves, I can never appreciate the beautiful ocean in front of me when I just stop at one or two waves. So today I will challenge myself to be patient. I challenge myself to have fun with each step I take and be confident that these steps will eventually equal to something greater than I ever imagined. I finally challenge myself to fall in love with the process NOT the product. Be purposeful today. Be joyful today. Have some zoomed out patience with me today my gullies!