Outgrown Nest.

Nests are comfortable. Nests are home. Nests are safe. Nests are shelter.

A nest is a TEMPORARY home. Unfortunately, many of us make it our permanent one. 


I have recently seen a new wave of events happen in so many people’s lives around me. The people I love are in a period of transition, including myself. It seems we are all shifting in a new period of awareness, growth and the unknown. It is a beautiful feeling. To feel alive and strong enough to surrender to that shift that many of us like to resist. It is time for all of us to exit the nest of “comfort” and become what we were created to be. The nest seems like our true foundation, but it is just a piece of the puzzle. The bird eventually outgrows the egg, it shatters as it comes into this world. Soon after that, the bird must fend for itself. The nest is only built a certain size. We must not stay that size. We must allow our love to grow bigger, our confidence to grow bigger, our internal beauty to grow bigger, we must grow. Growth is difficult. The baby bird struggles to get to the bottom, maybe falls on a few branches down the way and breaks a wing. He hobbles around with an empty stomach wondering how I am suppose to survive down here? That question use pop up into my head almost everyday. How am I suppose to adult? Well, I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t really know, but I am going to fly eventually. Then once I'm flying, I start to slowly forget what it felt like to not want to. You embrace the growth, the journey, the good days and “bad” days. Why’d I use quotations? Because that word bad is our perception to the uncomfortable things in life. Is it bad just because it is uncomfortable? But uncomfort is a sign. Not that things are bad. But a sign you have outgrown whatever is starting to feel really, really uncomfortable. A friend circle, a job, a relationship, a desire to be more in life, a desire to just have peace. The nest will not allow you to stay too long, or discomfort will surely set in. There is not enough space for you in that situation anymore. That nest was built for the start of your journey, not the whole journey. We cling to the comfort though right? We cling to the normalcy. We cling to things that make us feel good, even if it’s just for a while. We want to feel good. But eventually, the nest starts pricking you in the back because you were suppose to fly years ago.

You are not a baby anymore. The world needs you.

Our souls know when we are on the wrong path. Our souls know exactly where we need to be. Our souls just know. But our mind likes to stay nested. Once we stay nested, the Universe will definitely keep bringing lesson after lesson. Lessons that are extremely uncomfortable, until we just surrender to it. Surrender to the call. Just jump out the nest. If not, our purpose isn’t fulfilled. We are all birds created to fly. In your purpose there is peace. Outside that purpose is a confusing life. We are confused when we love comfort more than freedom. How can you be free when you aren’t doing what you were designed to?  When you are chasing someone’s else dream. When you are living out someone else’s purpose for our life. How can a bird, be a bird, if it never jumps out the nest?

I feel like I’ve outgrown the ideologies of what my life was “suppose” to look like. What does that even mean? I can laugh about it now. It wasn’t easy to just recreate my whole life and try something new. I had fear for many years of not wanting to pursue my passions because I needed to pay bills. Corporate America allowed me a life to just be independent, but it wasn’t true freedom. Not all jobs are bad jobs, but some jobs just aren’t for us. It was my comfort though. I knew I would get paid every two weeks and have benefits and really feel set. I wasn’t set, because I was still in the nest. I wasn’t flying, I wasn’t doing what my heart kept telling me to do. Just try it. Just fly. Fly above everything that says you can’t do it. Nobody can tell you you can’t do something, only you can. Your fears can , your fears of what other people’s opinions are of you can (which most people’s opinion are just their internal fears expressed towards your situation, soooo why listen to that?) and the fear of not being safe or secure without whatever you’re nesting in for sure can. There is no need for fear, security lies within. The bird was already created to know how to survive. All types of fear prevents our purpose from realizing in this life. How can you manifest something in your life if you keep attaching fear to it? The bird can dream all day long about flying out of that nest, and what life would be like, but until he jumps, it’s just a dream. Dreams can happen if we take action. There will always be a struggle in life, because growth is a struggle. Surrending is a struggle. Growth = Surrending. It makes sense that if you’re already struggling in the nest, you might as well struggle doing something you actually love to do. That is the purpose, doing what you LOVE to do. The best results come out of the jobs of people that are truly passionate about what they are doing. There are some gifts we have in ourself that are just innate to who we are. We are innately meant to fly and explore. Becoming too stagnant, too stuck, and too attached to the nest are all contradictions to our calling. We have to become unstuck. We have to eventually face that fear of the unknown and just trust that we were built for this. We know what we are doing. Well sometimes I don’t because, man, adulting is hard. Not even going to lie about that. But it’s peaceful when you are in your purpose and doing what you love to do, everyday. It feels way better to be in constant alignment with the sky and the wind and not have to say “what if”? I do not regret the nest at all. I am thankful for my nest. I appreciate and cherish all the things it taught me and raised me to be. It is just time to say bye now. Bye to the fears, the attachments, the doubts, and the things that kept me in the nest so long. Fly with me. Say bye to the nest with me.