Creativity Is A Requirement.

I truly believe the missing link of life, that is not deemed as a requirement, is creativity. The requirements are usually; go to school, get a job with good benefits to cover the bills, get married and have kids, and then boom to do list of life is done. That life sounds so great to others but to me it sounds like prison. Where is the vibrancy? Our brains are so brilliant and our souls are even brighter. Imagine if we can have a spontaneous wisdom within. No need to imagine, because we already do. That is creativity. Just a burst of colorful intelligence. We are all called to create. Whether that is creating with our bodies, our minds, or our voices. We must find the one thing that we love to do. Well for some people it is multiple things, but let us just start with the minimum for now. What just makes you so excited, and giddy, and purposeful? Poetry is that for me. I love to draw and paint, but poetry gives me a different surge of happiness and energy. It flows out of me better than anything I put my time into. It is easy, it is healing, it is therapeutic. Creativity to me is the best form of therapy. It does something to your soul. This world was created before we even knew what a world was. If we are a product of this world, a child of this world, shouldn't the child have the same DNA as the parent? So we are creators too. We are inventors, artists, authors, designers, producers, architects, scientists, and anything that you can think of that produces something in this world that was not here before. We exist to bring forth things in this world that the people before us did not. We all have our own individual mission to figure out what can I bring to the table that NOBODY else can? Do not duplicate. Never conform to what you see externally. Tap into yourself and that uniqueness will be revealed. We do not have to force ourselves to be different, but we do have to force being the same. 

I chose this piece of art for the image of the blog because it is phenomenal, and also because it really shows you our purpose in life. To be here for others. To lift others. To inspire others. To carry others as others carry you. What if we all used our spontaneous wisdom for the betterment of everyone else? What if our form of "art" could change the world? Each person tapping into that creative side or the animated intuition within could cause the biggest rift in society. Stepping out of logic and analytical thinking and just being able to create freely and honestly. We all have something to create. It is a requirement for this world. This place could be more desirable to live in if we could all just be a little bit more original and a lot less common-minded. No more looking at others' talents and gifts and wishing and hoping you had theirs. Find your own. Love your own talents and gifts and NEVER say you have none.

You would not have been manifested in this Universe if you were talentless and purposeless. Your existence would be pointless, and God does NOT work like that.