Solitude Is Key.

When I see a flower by itself it makes me smile. It does not need others around it to still grow. It's chilling in its own lane just doing it's own thing week after week. There is some dead grass next to it sometimes, bugs cross over the leaves and the pedals but it still stands strong. It does not try and run to find other flowers to be next to you. It does not die just because it looks around and sees no one to talk to. What if we weren't so scared of being alone sometimes? What if we were so confident in our beauty alone that we never craved anything else. I use to be so afraid to be alone. I use to need other's validation to truly make me feel worthy. To feel that the world needed me was something I sought in everything I touched. I needed to feel needed. I always just had a need. A need to be surrounded by love, attention, and comfort. I am not saying having others is not needed. We are all connected, we definitely need each other's encouragement, friendship and love. But our whole existence is not based off of others. We have to be that lonely flower in the grass sometimes. We must retreat away from the busy day to day and quiet our minds and just think. How can I love myself if I am never spending enough time with myself? How can I know myself if I only know what others see in me? I use to hate that question, "Tell me a little about yourself". I never knew what to say. I never had a paragraph that described me or my passions or dreams. Until I started to be alone more. Until I started to close my door and put down my phone and really just sit in silence. Silence no longer scares me. Everyday is a process and everyday I learn a little bit more. But my words of wisdom to you is this: do not desert or isolate yourself permanently, but be deserted in your own soul. Get lost in the deserts of yourself. Truly get to know who you are without someone speaking for you.