Smoke it Away.



why is smoking so trendy??


What energy are you putting behind your actions?

Do you smoke to suppress?

Do you smoke to uplift?

Nothing is bad within itself.

It only matters what energy you attach to it.

Remember what energy you plant will grow right back in your life.

Choose carefully.

Karma gives no free passes.

I never knew the smoke I held in my lungs were sitting right there with the emotions. Unfortunately, I blew out the smoke but never released my feelings. What do you use to hide?


I’ve been saying, “Quia, quit smoking, just stop.” And since it’s Trendy Tuesdaze I felt the need to throw it back to an old photo shoot of me “living the life” and not even comprehending how much I was using smoking to not feel.

No more suppressing.

I am vaping now and letting the Clove Cigars and Black & Milds go.

It is freeing.

Take control of your life and be great today, it’s just not worth it to waste another day. 

You have a choice to change!